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Nine Scheller Faculty Selected for Excellence in Teaching Award

Nine Scheller faculty were awarded the Georgia Tech Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching award.

Nine faculty members from the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business have been awarded the Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Class of 1934 CIOS award. Awards were based on results from the Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS) given to participating Georgia Tech students. Only 40 faculty across Tech were selected for this prestigious award this year.

The award required an 85% student response rate and according to the Center for Teaching and Learning, the results “are based on three questions that pertain to the instructor's respect and concern for students, level of enthusiasm about teaching the course, and ability to stimulate interest in the subject matter.”

"Students are our top priority,” said Aaron Hackett, lecturer in marketing and one of this year’s award recipients. “I strive to deliver the best possible classroom experience because there is nothing more professionally fulfilling than inspiring one of our future leaders.  Validation of the student experience in my course is deeply gratifying.”

For more information, see the Center for Teaching and Learning website.


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