2017 |
Towards Building Multidisciplinary Knowledge of Management of Technology: An Introduction to the Special Issue |
Production and Operations Management |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Hora, Manpreet
Ramachandran, Karthik
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, Manpreet Hora, Karthik Ramachandran, “Towards Building Multidisciplinary Knowledge of Management of Technology: An Introduction to the Special Issue,” Production and Operations Management, Special Issue on Management of Technology, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2017, 567-578. |
2017 |
Organizational Learning and Management of Technology |
Production and Operations Management |
Hora, M
Published Papers |
Argote, L. and Hora, M., 2017. “Organizational Learning and Management of Technology,” Production and Operations Management, 26 (4) 579-590. |
2017 |
Process Capabilities and Leveraging Advances in Science and Technology |
Routledge Companion to Prod & Opns. Manag. |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Hora, Manpreet
Ramachandran, Karthik
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, Manpreet Hora, Karthik Ramachandran, “Process Capabilities and Leveraging Advances in Science and Technology,” Routledge Companion to Prod & Opns. Manag., edited by M.K. Starr and S.K. Gupta, Taylor & Francis Group, NY, 2017, 197-213 |
2017 |
From Invention Success to Commercialization Success: Technology Ventures and the Benefits of Upstream and Downstream Supply-Chain Alliances |
Journal of Small Business Management |
Dutta, D
Hora, M.
Published Papers |
Dutta, D and Hora, M., 2017. “From Invention Success to Commercialization Success: Technology Ventures and the Benefits of Upstream and Downstream Supply-Chain Alliances,” Journal of Small Business Management, 55, 216–235 |
2017 |
Towards Building Multidisciplinary Knowledge on Management of Technology: An Introduction to the Special Issue |
Production and Operations Management |
Gaimon, C.
Hora, M.
Ramachandran, K.
Published Papers |
Gaimon, C., Hora, M. and Ramachandran, K., 2017. “Towards Building Multidisciplinary Knowledge on Management of Technology: An Introduction to the Special Issue”, Production and Operations Management, 26 (4) 567-578. |
2015 |
Firm Performance in Dynamic Environments: The Role of Operational Slack and Operational Flexibility |
Journal of Operations Management |
Kovach, J.J.
Hora, M.
Manikas, A
Patel, P.C.
Published Papers |
Kovach, J.J., Hora, M., Manikas, A. and Patel, P.C. 2015, “Firm Performance in Dynamic Environments: The Role of Operational Slack and Operational Flexibility,” Journal of Operations Management 37, 1–12 |
2015 |
An Empirical Investigation on the Appointments of Supply Chain and Operations Management Executives |
Management Science |
Hendricks, K.B.
Hora, M.
Singhal, V.
Published Papers |
Hendricks, K.B., Hora, M. and Singhal, V. 2015. “An Empirical Investigation on the Appointments of Supply Chain and Operations Management Executives,” Management Science 61(7), 1562–1583. |
2014 |
The Role of Supply Network Structure and its Relationship with Firm Innovation |
Journal of Operations Management |
Bellamy, M.
Ghosh, S.
Hora, M.
Published Papers |
Bellamy, M., Ghosh, S. and Hora, M. 2014. “The Role of Supply Network Structure and its Relationship with Firm Innovation,” Journal of Operations Management, 32, 357-373. |
2013 |
Learning from Others' Misfortune: Factors Influencing Knowledge Acquisition to Reduce Operational Risk |
Journal of Operations Management |
Hora, M.
Klassen, R.
Published Papers |
Hora, M. and Klassen, R. 2013. “Learning from Others’ Misfortune: Factors Influencing Knowledge Acquisition to Reduce Operational Risk,” Journal of Operations Management, 31 52-61. |
2013 |
Entrepreneurial Firms and Downstream Alliance Partnerships: Impact of Portfolio Depth and Scope on Technology Innovation and Commercialization Success |
Production and Operations Management |
Hora, M.
Dutta, D.
Published Papers |
Hora, M. and Dutta, D. 2013. “Entrepreneurial Firms and Downstream Alliance Partnerships: Impact of Portfolio Depth and Scope on Technology Innovation and Commercialization Success,” Production and Operations Management, 22 (6) 1389-1400. |
2012 |
Intentions, Intermediaries and Interaction: Examining the Emergence of Routines |
Journal of Management Studies |
Bapuji H.
Hora, M.
Saeed, A.
Published Papers |
Bapuji H., Hora, M. and Saeed, A. 2012. “Intentions, Intermediaries and Interaction: Examining the Emergence of Routines,” Journal of Management Studies, 49 (8) 1586-1607. |
2011 |
Safety Hazard and Time to Recall: The Role of Recall Strategy, Product Defect Type, and Supply Chain Player in the U.S. Toy Industry |
Journal of Operations Management |
Hora, M.
Bapuji, H.
Roth, A.
Published Papers |
Hora, M., Bapuji, H. and Roth, A. 2011. “Safety Hazard and Time to Recall: The Role of Recall Strategy, Product Defect Type, and Supply Chain Player in the U.S. Toy Industry,” Journal of Operations Management, 29 766-777. |