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Five Scheller Faculty Members Receive Excellence in Teaching Award

Karie Davis-Nozemack, Manpreet Hora, Tim Halloran, Gary Jones, and Dong Liu received the Excellence in Teaching Award for Fall 2023.
Scheller College of Business building at night

Five Scheller faculty members were awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award for Fall 2023 from ratings by their students.

Five Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business faculty members were awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award for the Fall 2023 semester.

At the end of each term, Georgia Tech students are encouraged to rate their professors through the Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS). Faculty who rate highly receive the Excellence in Teaching Award. They are ranked in three areas: their respect and concern for students, their level of enthusiasm in teaching the course, and their ability to stimulate interest in the subject matter. They must also have at least an 85% student response rate to qualify for the award.

The results of the survey help improve the quality of instruction across the Institute by capturing students’ experience of their professor and their course, helping faculty improve their teaching and learning process in their courses, and assisting Institute administrators in making decisions on teaching and learning and for promotion and tenure considerations.  

“The award is just icing on the cake,” said Tim Halloran, senior lecturer in Marketing. “What is most rewarding for me is engaging with some of the exceptionally strong business leaders we have here at Scheller. That is reward enough, but I’m very honored to be chosen.”

For more information on CIOS, see the Course Instruction Opinion Survey (CIOS) Toolkit located on the Office of Academic Effectiveness site.

List of Recipients

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