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Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business Welcomes 16 New Faculty Members

The Scheller College of Business welcomed 11 new full-time faculty and five new part-time faculty in Fall 2023.
Collage of 16 new faculty. First row, left to right: Charlotte Alexander, Justin Blann, David Burke, Abhishek Deshmane Second row, left to right: Zhaohu (Jonathan) Fan, Xindi He, Pan Li, David McArthur Third row, left to right: Zahra Mobini, Christy O'Neill, Hyunsun Park, Neeli Shah Fourth row, left to right: Reemon Silverman, Sharada Sridhar. Nan Zhao, Mingxi Zhu

First row, left to right: Charlotte Alexander, Justin Blann, David Burke, Abhishek Deshmane; Second row, left to right: Zhaohu (Jonathan) Fan, Xindi He, Pan Li, David McArthur; Third row, left to right: Zahra Mobini, Christy O'Neill, Hyunsun Park, Neeli Shah; Fourth row, left to right: Reemon Silverman, Sharada Sridhar, Nan Zhao, Mingxi Zhu

The fall semester is a time of new beginnings. First-year and transfer students are joining our community and getting their bearings, and returning students are catching up with classmates and looking forward to another year of exciting opportunities.

As our students continue their journeys, Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business faculty are there to help teach, guide, and enlighten them along the way.

This semester, Scheller welcomes 16 new faculty members who bring their knowledge, experience, and expertise into the classroom and join the ranks of our distinguished professors.

Full-time Faculty

Part-time Faculty

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