IT and information systems are rapidly becoming ubiquitous in modern society. Over the last decades, IT innovation moved at a staggering pace. Now, more than ever, it is of paramount importance to explore and understand how these IT advances reshape the private sector and government operations, create new opportunities and emerging business models in the market, impact and connect consumers, allow for transparency and accountability, and change the concepts of identity and security.
Information Technology Management
IT Management Concentration Overview
Mingfeng Lin, Associate Professor of IT Management, gives an overview of the IT Management concentration within the Scheller Ph.D. program.
IT Management (ITM) Ph.D. at Georgia Tech
The ITM Ph.D. degree at Georgia Tech Scheller focuses on the exploration of the economic and behavioral impact of IT on businesses, consumers, governments, and society.
Students are trained in a wide variety of methods and are exposed to cutting-edge research in IT management and in other related fields. Throughout the program, doctoral students are closely supervised and mentored by ITM faculty who are experienced world-class researchers working on a broad set of relevant topics. This degree is intended to enable students to be successful researchers and instructors in the field of information systems at leading academic institutions in the world.
The program started in the fall of 1990, and, over the past couple of decades, has successfully shaped top researchers in the field.
How Do I Finance the Program?
If admitted to the program, your tuition will be waived and you will receive a monthly stipend.
Tuition and Financing