Undergraduate students have numerous opportunities to learn and explore sustainable business. Scheller offers sustainability-focused electives and sustainability infusion across the curriculum. Undergraduate students in any major can pursue the Certificate in Sustainable Business. Outside the classroom, students can deepen their understanding of sustainability by participating in a wide assortment of extracurricular activities.

Student Opportunities
Georgia Tech undergraduates from any major have the opportunity to pursue a Certificate in Sustainable Business. Students pursuing the certificate will learn about the importance of sustainability for companies, government, and civil society and develop the skills necessary for evaluating and tackling critical issues. Coursework may be selected from business classes taught with an environmental and social sustainability lens as well as classes from other disciplines that will help students build their fundamental knowledge of sustainability.
"Pursuing the Certificate in Sustainable Business will help me communicate the case for sustainability and its long-term benefits to consumers, other stakeholders, and shareholders."
– Brigit Joyce, 2021 Vivan Nora Lukens Memorial Scholarship Recipient
- Foundations of Sustainable Systems (SLS 3120) | Instructors: Kim Cobb (College of Sciences), Jennifer Hirsch (College of Design, Serve-Learn-Sustain), and Beril Toktay (College of Business)
- Business Ethics (MGT 3607) | Instructor: Steve Salbu
- Business Decisions for Sustainability and Shared Value (MGT 3770) | Instructor: Ravi Subramanian
- Sustainable Business Consulting Practicum (MGT 4369) | Instructors: Michael Oxman and Bob Lax
- Sustainable Marketing (MGT 4803) | Instructor: TBA
Scheller College Undergraduate Sustainability Ambassadors
Fellows deepen their engagement in sustainability by working on year-long projects.
Net Impact - Undergraduate Chapter
The Net Impact club supports the development of future business leaders by elevating awareness of sustainability and equipping students with skills to address environmental and social impact issues as they progress in their careers.
For more information, contact gtugnetimpact@gmail.com.
Ideas to Serve (I2S)
Ideas to Serve (I2S) is a program that takes a comprehensive approach to social innovation. It encourages students to be compassionate listeners, identify and build on the community's assets, research the solution landscape to learn from successes and failures, and take a systems approach to identify the root cause of issues rather than merely treating the symptoms.
Impact Speaker Series
The Impact Speaker Series is a biweekly series of meaningful conversations. The main goal of the series is to engage students, faculty, staff, and the wider community on topics that matter through presentations from leaders and entrepreneurs from all sectors. Topics include entrepreneurship (both social and commercial), innovation, leadership, and sustainability.
Serve-Learn-Sustain (SLS)
Serve-Learn-Sustain (SLS) is a campus-wide academic initiative that offers students opportunities to collaborate with diverse partners on key sustainability challenges both inside and outside the classroom. Through SLS, students use the knowledge and skills they acquire at Georgia Tech to help create sustainable communities.
Carbon Reduction Challenge
Since 2017, the Carbon Reduction Challenge has helped summer interns step up to propose ways to reduce carbon emissions and costs at their places of employment. At the end of the summer, students present their work and compete for prizes. The Challenge is an initiative of the Center and the Global Change Program, in collaboration with the Georgia Climate Project.
Learn More
Pro Bono Consulting Program
Georgia Tech's Pro Bono Consulting Program is aimed at helping not-for-profit organizations based in Atlanta resolve key strategic challenges. We are also committed to providing exceptional educational and personal growth opportunities for motivated student participants.
RCE Greater Atlanta
RCE Greater Atlanta is a regional sustainability network acknowledged by the United Nations University as a Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development. RCEs support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at the regional level through education and training. Students who want to become sustainable development changemakers can visit the RCE’s webpage.
Student Grants Available
The Center provides small grants (typically up to $500 per student per academic year) to currently enrolled Scheller students to support sustainability-related education and/or career goals. Appropriate uses that will be considered include conferences or events, related travel, publications and research, and more. Requests are reviewed by the Center on a rolling basis.
If interested, please send a brief request (1 - 2 paragraphs) to Arianna Robinson at arianna.robinson@scheller.gatech.edu. Please include your student program, year, major/concentration area, and the following details:
- The purpose of the request: What will the funds be used for?
- How this activity supports your educational and/or career goals and any outcomes you anticipate
Support from Net Impact and other sources should be explored first for applicable events and items.