Fellows and Ambassadors

Meet the 2022-2023 Fellows and Ambassadors
Atlanta, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a student in the Executive MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.A. in Public Relations (Berry College, 2015)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I love music and am currently taking organ and piano lessons.
Cupertino, California
Current student status:
I am a second-year computer science major.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
In high school, I helped to organize my hometown’s Earth and Arbor Day Festival.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
As a computer science student, I’m interested in working for an EV company on EV software development. In high school, I worked directly with the City of Cupertino’s Sustainability and Environmental Programs Teams to support the implementation of Cupertino’s environmental goals and commitments. After noticing an increase in plastic consumption (and waste!) during the Covid-19 pandemic, I published an article about steps being taken to help restaurants in Cupertino minimize the use of plastic. Since then, I have been more conscious of my plastic footprint and continue to make lifestyle changes to minimize my footprint.
Medellin, Colombia. I moved to Atlanta in 2011.
Current student status:
I am a student in the Executive MBA Program.
Educational background:
BBA in Finance (Kennesaw State University)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I am ashamed to admit that I never learned how to ride a bike (though I am working on it!). To compensate for that, I did competitive speed skating growing up in Colombia.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
“We have not inherited the land from our parents; we are borrowing it from our children” (Native American proverb). As an immigrant, I have experienced firsthand the impact social and sustainable programs have, and I have witnessed how they are able to transform communities. As a mom, I am constantly worrying about my daughter’s future, hoping that her generation and future generations can enjoy the many wonders of this planet. As a professional, I see many corporations shifting towards embracing sustainability – many of them with lofty goals and without clear strategies. Ultimately, I want not only to be a good role model and global citizen with my individual actions but also to be well equipped to drive change within my different roles at work and in my community.
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a second-year civil and environmental engineering major following the water resources engineering track.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I can play four string instruments: violin, viola, cello, and bass.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
Throughout my education and career, I will apply my understanding of the shared responsibility to uphold sustainable practices.
Roswell, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a second-year business administration major with a concentration in finance.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I like to draw realistic portraits, and I weirdly find that analyzing data is very fun and interesting.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
Transitioning into a more sustainable society seems like a far fetched-goal to many and impossible to others. Change can only begin if people believe change is feasible. I plan to become a data analyst in order to crunch numbers and transform them into visuals that are easy to understand. The goal would be to share with the public how businesses, other organizations, and people like you and I are making positive changes. I hope the information inspires people to unite and work together as a collective. I am glad to be a part of this collective and hope to do everything I can to make tomorrow better.
Richmond Hill, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a third-year business administration major with a concentration in information technology management.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I have been to nine different U.S. national parks…and am looking to increase that number!
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I feel as if I embody being a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow” by finding simple ways to implement sustainability in my work and everyday life. I am eager to improve business while not impeding on a business’s bottom line. I plan on working at different corporations in various roles to continue to educate myself on how sustainability can affect all segments of a business.
Boston, Massachusetts. (I have also lived in Japan.)
Current student status:
I am a student in the Evening MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.S. in Computer Science (Wake Forest University, 2018)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I love to garden! I enjoy planting and tending to many wildflowers every year.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I embody the culture of the Center by always striving to further my knowledge of sustainability and to incorporate aspects of sustainability into my field of work. I am constantly trying to advance sustainability goals in my employment and volunteer work.
Raleigh, North Carolina
Current student status:
I am a first-year student in the Master of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Management (MSEEM) Program.
Educational background:
B.S. in Environmental Engineering & Minor in Economics (North Carolina State University, 2019)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I love to eat vegetables and explore local farmers markets!
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I hope to embody a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow” by engaging in this fellowship and my graduate degree program in sustainable energy and environmental management. Like many people in my generation, climate change has been at the forefront of my mind and has shaped my actions, education, and career. To address this challenge, I hope to apply the skills gained through this fellowship and my graduate program to a meaningful career in sustainability.
My dad is Iranian, and my mom is Venezuelan, but I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia.
Current student status:
I am a second-year business administration major with a concentration in leadership and organizational change.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I have snorkeled in the Bay of Pigs.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I embody being a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow” by integrating sustainability in all senses of the word into my life: working on circular economy frameworks at summer internships, learning more about diversity and inclusion, volunteering at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, and encouraging fellow students to learn about sustainability through opportunities at Scheller College. I think it’s crucial to remember that sustainability isn’t just about the environment. There are so many ways that companies can make sure they’re meeting the triple bottom line. Through my affiliation with the Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business, I hope to continue learning about innovative ways for companies to adopt sustainable business practices.
Alpharetta, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a fourth-year business administration major with a concentration in operations and supply chain management.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I sing in the Georgia Tech Chamber Choir, and I was selected to play a choir member on an NBC television show last year.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I embody being a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow” on a personal level by reducing waste, having a plant-based diet, and making conscious decisions as a consumer. In my career, I will be working in supply chain consulting. I plan to integrate sustainability in every project I pursue by minimizing transportation, reducing Scope 3 emissions, and ensuring safe labor conditions. In the workplace, I will practice sustainability every day by promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Atlanta, Georgia. I have also lived in Brazil.
Current student status:
I am a first-year environmental engineering major.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I’m a high school esports state champion.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
As an undergraduate student at Georgia Tech, my goals in relation to Ray C. Anderson are to one day have a career like his. I plan to start my own business someday and to promote sustainable practices while also giving back to my community. In order for this to happen, I am pursuing a dream education here so that my business comes to fruition. As an Ambassador, I hope to learn more about sustainability so I can one day integrate it into the core of my career.
San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago
Current student status:
I am a first-year student in the Full-time MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Georgia Southern University)
M.S. in Applied Engineering - Engineering Management (Georgia Southern University)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I have played the steel pan and violin since the age of five.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
As a dual degree Ph.D. / MBA candidate at Georgia Tech, my research lies at the nexus of business, technology, and policy, and seeks to push the boundaries of sustainable energy and innovation. I plan to become a consultant to help countries and companies innovate for net zero. I believe that achieving a successful energy transition requires collaboration amongst all stakeholders and relies on champions who know that businesses do well by doing good. I am confident that I will thrive with tenacious optimism and audacious innovation to make a positive impact.
Warwick, Rhode Island
Current student status:
I am a first-year student in the Full-time MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.S. in Electrical Engineering (University of Alabama, 2016)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I have been doing improv for four years.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
By concentrating in sustainability while getting my MBA, I will grow my knowledge base and skill set in order to help me lead companies to create a better, more sustainable future. Personally, I am committed to volunteering with local nonprofits to help support a sustainable community. I am a big proponent of community gardens and am interested in finding ways for these gardens to reduce or eliminate food deserts. My long-term goal is to help create products and processes that make it easier for people to live a more sustainable life.
I was born and raised in India. I now live in Marietta, Georgia.
Current student status:
I am a student in the Executive MBA Program.
Educational background:
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Jadavpur University, 2003)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I like cleaning around the house to de-stress. I take interest in various musical instruments although I have no formal training. I play the harmonica when I get time.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I’m working in the quick service restaurant (QSR) industry and am motivated to explore process, technology, and product improvements that can support the sustainability agenda for QSRs. I’m also enthusiastic about putting sustainability on the demand side of the QSR business and researching how companies in this sector can compete on social impact. My long-term goals include coming up with new business model innovations to drive sustainability in this industry and studying adjacent industry segments where an ESG agenda has been connected to business growth.
West Bengal, India
Current student status:
I am a student in the Executive MBA Program.
Educational background:
M.S. in Software and Telecom (BITS Pilani, India)
B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (WBUT, India)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I have a fetish for blazers and suits – I have over 100 pairs. I love riding my Harley while wearing a blazer over a leather jacket (talk of irony!).
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I believe everyone needs to know about sustainability impacts, just like everybody needs to know their fundamental rights. We all have a responsibility towards sustainability. Following Maslow’s principles, where meeting basic needs comes ahead of self actualization, I feel it’s imperative for those of us whose basic needs are met to spread awareness around sustainability. Awareness is powerful – it can inspire one to act on the newfound awareness. Being a change agent to make people aware is the first step towards building a sustainable tomorrow.
Wilmington, North Carolina
Current student status:
I am a first-year business administration major.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I have no appendix.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
Growing up on the coast, I have witnessed the tangible impacts of climate change. As a result, my goal is to find a way to weave sustainability into my studies and career. I hope to work with companies that prioritize the environment and share my belief that sustainable practices create opportunities and economic value. Serving as a Sustainability Ambassador allows me to connect with peers who believe that environmental problems can be solved through a combination of progress and service.
Harvest, Alabama
Current student status:
I am a student in the Evening MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (University of Alabama, 2011)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I have a giant Maine Coon that looks like a bobcat!
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I have always been passionate about energy and energy efficiency. I have been working in the space as a mechanical engineer for over ten years. Since starting the Evening MBA Program at Scheller College, my interests in sustainability have broadened. I am focused on leveraging the skills I have as an engineer to drive businesses towards solutions for climate change and creating a better life for future generations.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Current student status:
I am a first-year student in the Full-time MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.A. in Finance (University of Tennessee, 2018)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I spent my past summer working as an outdoor guide, leading people on hiking, rafting, and climbing trips.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
As someone who spends a significant amount of time outdoors, I find it vital to protect the areas I have grown to adore. Post graduation, I would like to pivot into a strategy role that would allow me to push a business to pursue sustainable initiatives that are profitable for the company and beneficial to the environment. Educating myself through the strong network around me, opportunities such the Graduate Sustainability Fellowship, clubs such as Net Impact, and sustainability-related courses will lead me to reach these goals.
I was raised in India and moved to the United States for higher education.
Current student status:
I am a senior site reliability engineer and am enrolled in the Executive MBA Program to build better tomorrow by leveraging technology.
Educational background:
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
M.S. in Computer Science
What is a fun fact about yourself?
My goal is to run out of pages in my passport.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
Commercial buildings account for almost a third of global energy consumption and 37% of global energy-related CO2 emissions. It’s imperative to find energy savings within the built environment and to help businesses achieve carbon reduction commitments in order to act on climate change. Ray C. Anderson’s vision and mission align with my passion. I am highly motivated to explore the next level of high-tech to support my goal to create a more sustainable environment for living beings.
Atlanta, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a business administration major with a concentration in information technology management. I am also a scholar in the Steven A. Denning Technology & Management Program.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I worked on a ranch the summer after my freshman year.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I am in the process of adopting a sustainability lens as I have come to realize the importance of taking care of our people, planet, and natural resources. After having an experience where I was fully able to connect with nature, I decided to pay more attention to sustainability. I have business knowledge as well as technical knowledge that I want to use in my future career to make impactful and beneficial strides toward a better earth.
Atlanta, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a first-year student in the Full-time MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.A. in English & B.A. in Economics (University of Georgia)
M.A. in Economics (New York University)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
To slow down my fashion consumption, I learned to sew.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
An axiom often said in my childhood was, “There’s good in it yet.” Incorporating sustainability into business is a crucial mission, but it also represents real, practical opportunities for firms to protect their supply chains, reduce waste, develop their employees, and better serve their target consumers. I decided to pursue an MBA in order to devote my career to helping firms align purpose with the bottom line, encouraging businesses to navigate ESG through the lens of long-term growth.
Johns Creek, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a third-year environmental engineering major.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I’m going to Amsterdam via the Joe S. Mundy Scholarship.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
As an environmental engineer, sustainability is already a core value in any work I do, yet in the curriculum we are rarely exposed to the business implications of sustainability. Through the Center, I am exposed to the successes and challenges related to sustainable business. I plan to get more involved in net-zero carbon strategy by attending more events and working as an ambassador.
Snellville, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a fourth-year environmental engineering major.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I have five siblings and am a middle child.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I have always had an interest in sustainability and helping people. I do think people all over the world should practice a more sustainable lifestyle. However, sustainability is not cheap. Many factors can affect people’s accessibility to sustainable practices. Many people around the world live in poverty and do not have access to basic necessities. I want to help make sustainability accessible to everyone.
Apex, North Carolina
Current student status:
I am a first-year student in the Full-time MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.S. in Industrial Engineering (North Carolina State University, 2017)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I can stand on my head.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I believe that sustainability needs to be integrated in all roles throughout a company. In whatever role I find myself, I will strive to add a sustainability lens and to be a thought leader who always considers the environmental and human consequences of decisions in addition to traditional business metrics.
Vidalia, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a student in the Executive MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I once got second place in Vidalia’s annual onion eating contest!
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
Ray C. Anderson had a passion for making a brighter future a reality for all. My passion is in nuclear energy – the solution to the world’s baseload carbon-free energy shortage. Ray once stated, “Do good, not just no harm.” As he stated, it is not enough for us to be bystanders in this world. Instead, I desire to be a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow” through furthering the mission of providing clean, affordable, reliable, and safe nuclear energy for all.
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Current student status:
I am a first-year materials science and engineering major.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I collect snow globes.
New Hyde Park, New York
Current student status:
I am a first-year student in the Full-time MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.S. in Computer Science and Sociology (Northeastern University, 2018)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I like to paint murals.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
As an MBA student, I think it’s very important to think about sustainability because it is the future. I aspire to be a future leader in any business I join. As a leader, I have to ensure that sustainability is implemented in any project in order to stay in tune with my goal to make a positive impact on people and the planet.
Smyrna, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a student in the Executive MBA Program.
Educational background:
Bachelor of Business Administration (Shorter College, 2007)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I have traveled to the Arctic Circle.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
Sustainability is critical for improving the future for generations to come. When I was a child on the way to go fishing or to play in Little League baseball games, I would look out the car window while passing a major chemical plant corridor that was known to have caused toxins to be released into waterways and the air. This experience coinciding with my understanding that water and air contamination is widespread across the world has given me passion for sustainability. I’m motivated to make a better environment for future generations by acquiring knowledge to apply in the business environment while still delivering profitability.
Farmington, Connecticut
Current student status:
I am a first-year student in the Master of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Management (MSEEM) Program.
Educational background:
B.S. in Natural Resources and the Environment (University of Connecticut, 2022)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I’ve played the violin since I was four years old.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
During my undergraduate career, I discovered a deep passion for the environment and human rights. Engaging with environmental justice work empowered me to think more critically about the systems around us and how they affect different types of people and communities. To me, creating sustainable communities means developing relationships that focus on the assets that communities and individuals hold, and working in partnership with an equity and social justice lens to meet their needs. I am deeply committed to upholding socially responsible business practices, implementing social and environmental justice into environmental policies, and forming stakeholder relationships through meaningful community partnerships.
Atlanta, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a third-year business administration major with a concentration in operations and supply chain management.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I love languages!
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I don’t think businesses should have to pick between being profitable and being sustainable. I want to approach my business education through the lens of sustainability. I believe that businesses have contributed to many of the environmental and societal problems we face today and therefore have the capability and responsibility to be the solution to these problems.
Atlanta, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a second-year civil engineering major with a concentration in environmental and water systems.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
Despite living in Atlanta my whole life, I have yet to try Coca-Cola.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I am highly passionate about improving the human condition and working towards solving the environmental degradation issue. I am seeking to broaden the impact of climate technology and policy in college and beyond to educate and inspire others. I firmly believe that science and engineering sit at the intersection of technology and humanity – and the environmental crisis demands nothing short of both. My dream is to interweave my background in civil and environmental engineering with business. I plan to combine science with creativity to help organizations improve their sustainable practices.
Saint Charles, Illinois
Current student status:
I am a second-year environmental engineering major.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
My whole family went to the University of Illinois – except for me!
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I am studying environmental engineering so I can make a positive impact on international sustainability for the benefit of future generations. I am currently studying the Kendeda Building’s greywater with my VIP research team, and I plan to further explore Georgia Tech undergraduate research opportunities involving water treatment and sustainable practices.
Oceanside, California
Current student status:
I am a fifth-year industrial design major.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I swam competitively for ten years, including two years at a D1 level.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I combine my passion for design and sustainability to create a future that embodies and achieves the UN Sustainable Development Goals. My design philosophy is empathy in action. I aspire to listen and respond to the needs of all stakeholders while designing solutions.
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Current student status:
I am a student in the Executive MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.Tech in Electronics and Communications Engineering (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, 2015)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I like building DIY electronics.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I have been following sustainability trends since solar power became a viable option. When I started working on a project with a main focus on sustainability, I learned the value of being sustainable and driving change – both of which make business sense. Being a Sustainability Fellow at the Center provides me with a network of like-minded people as well as the resources to implement sustainability measures that can be the catalyst to a better future.
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a fourth-year chemical and biomolecular engineering major.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I foster cats! There are usually four to five kittens running around my home at all times.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
My goal is to become a well-rounded sustainability advocate, with caring for people and the planet as the backbone of my career. I want to bridge the gap between the scientific community, corporations, and the general public through science communication and a diverse range of projects that advance sustainable initiatives and social equity.
Milledgeville, Georgia
Current student status:
I am a first-year student in the Full-time MBA Program.
Educational background:
M.S.E. in Computer Engineering (Mercer University, 2018)
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Current student status:
I am a first-year student in the Full-time MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.S. in Civil Engineering and Spanish Literature (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I am a beekeeper!
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I study coastal ocean morphology and changes associated with extreme events and sea level rise. Sustainability, to me, means moving the needle away from extreme environmental change and towards a future where humans and their environments are healthier and safer.
Baltimore, Maryland
Current student status:
I am a third-year environmental engineering major.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I play tennis daily with homemade tie-dye tennis balls that I make every weekend.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
My passion for sustainability is fueled by my environmental engineering expertise. I intend to apply environmental engineered-solutions to public policy problems by furthering the creation of sustainable infrastructure. Specifically, I am working towards empowering low-income and POC communities through engineering-driven legislation for the business practices and economies that affect these groups.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Current student status:
I am a student in the Evening MBA Program.
Educational background:
B.S. in Health Information Management (University of Pittsburgh, 2008)
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I am a mom of two beautiful humans and two furry dogs.
What makes you a “Ray C. Anderson of tomorrow”?
I have always been a fan of our earth and a proponent of finding ways we can protect it. After I had a couple of kids, I had a newfound awareness of the problem of waste. I kicked into gear and found ways that our family could make a difference on waste and carbon emissions by doing things like picking up trash, composting, and walking kids to school instead of driving. My goal in my professional life is to move into a role where my energy and passion for the environment is in alignment with a company and team driving large-scale change in our world.