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Creating Value for the Greater Good: Meet Jesse Breidinger, Poets&Quants 2020 Best & Brightest EMBA

Jesse Breidinger’s determination to make the world a better place has landed her on the Poets & Quants 2020 Best & Brightest EMBAs list.
Current Georgia Tech Scheller College Executive MBA student Jesse Breidinger has been named a Poets&Quants 2020 Best & Brightest EMBA.

Current Georgia Tech Scheller College Executive MBA student Jesse Breidinger has been named a Poets&Quants 2020 Best & Brightest EMBA.

Meet Jesse Breidinger, a current Georgia Tech Scheller College Executive MBA (EMBA) student. She is a first-generation college graduate who makes an immense difference in her community with a focus on finding ways to use technology for good. Breidinger has also recently been named one of Poets&Quants 2020 Best & Brightest EMBAs.

Breidinger is a senior manager of community & stakeholder relations at the Coca-Cola Company and enrolled in Georgia Tech’s EMBA program after she felt comfortable that she was exceeding expectations in her current company and job function.

“I used to believe I was a pretty confident person prior to this program,” said Breidinger. “But my biggest lesson is that I am much more capable than I thought I was! This program provided me with so many problem-solving skills that could be used on nearly anything thrown at me, even if I have no experience in a specific industry. I learned how to ask the right questions in order to determine solutions as a business leader. Lastly, I learned how to turn these skills into effective leadership. I believe that is the true differentiator of the EMBA program.”

Breidinger seeks to create value for the greater good, which is evident in her community work and leadership roles. She is the recipient of the Women’s Foodservice Forum Change Maker Award, a role model in Atlanta’s Big Brothers & Big Sisters program, and an American Red Cross disaster relief volunteer, among many other things. One of her most proud moments during her time at Scheller was when she was invited to speak on women’s empowerment initiatives and her own efforts towards that cause.

“I’m most proud of my invitation to speak at the 2019 Net Impact Conference in Detroit regarding women’s empowerment initiatives and my efforts to support the development of more successful female entrepreneurs,” Breidinger said. “This was very meaningful to me because I was in a convening of thousands of MBA students, and one of the only speakers who was an MBA student as well. I was proud to intersect my current professional work with my academic pursuit for the very first time.”

In addition to choosing Scheller’s EMBA program because of its deep integration into the city of Atlanta, Breidinger also wanted to be a part of a program that was recognized globally for its leadership at the intersection of technology innovation and business.

“I was inclined to lean into the technology space so I could differentiate myself in the business world with a ‘general management’ mindset to keep up with the demands of a fast-changing market,” Breidinger said.

Breidinger will graduate in December 2020 and she ultimately wants to start her own business focused on social impact while maintaining a corporate leadership role.   

When asked what she enjoyed most about business school, Breidinger cites the relationships she’s made. “From the staff to my classmates, I feel as if I’ve gained lifelong friends and connections that will be lasting and mutually valuable.”

Learn more about Georgia Tech Scheller’s Executive MBA Program.

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