Innovation Toolkit for Solving Sustainability Challenges
November 5 - 6, 2022
Special Event
Kendeda Building
422 Ferst Dr NW
Atlanta, GA 30313
United States
Kjersti Lukens
Registration Closed
There is a pressing need for companies to address complex sustainability challenges. Despite this, the world is still struggling to implement sustainability solutions and meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Understanding and navigating sustainability challenges is inherently complex and full of trade-offs. Companies need future leaders who can understand sustainability challenges and identify business model opportunities within sustainable development.
At the Social Entrepreneurs Bootcamp, interested participants will learn more about tackling complex sustainability problems and creating startup solutions. The two-day bootcamp will be led by an experienced entrepreneur and guide. There are no traditional lectures, readings, or assignments. You will learn by doing. Working in teams of three to five, participants will define a challenge related to the SDGs and design a solution to the challenge. The course follows a self-directed, gamified format, where teams progress through phases of the SDG Innovation Process, completing activities that bring them closer to a solution.
The Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Bootcamp is open to all students, faculty, staff and community members
Jackie Stenson (LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jstenson/)
Co-Founder and Executive Chair | Essmart

This event is a part of Sustainable-X , a program co-managed by Create-X, and the Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business, and sponsored by Sustainability Next