This fall, I had the privilege of working with the non-profit, Athleaders 360°, which focuses on equipping coaches with resources needed to foster deeper connections with their athletes and engage in meaningful conversations about racial and social justice. Athleaders 360° aims to empower young athletes through leadership development that enables them to become proactive social leaders. Essentially inspiring the next generation of athletes to become their best in both physical prowess and also social good. A quote that I have held dear to myself this semester is: “medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for” ~Dead Poet’s Society. Learning about the core mission and heart of Athleaders 360° has reminded me of the beauty of humanhood that can be clearly seen through the raw drive of passion that athletes put into their sports. The beauty of Athleaders 360°’s work is that it highlights the meaning of athletics through impactful storytelling. As a Business major concentrating in Information Technology, I did expect this role to be different from my typical coursework. I expected to gain hands-on experience in content creation and project management but not only did this experience meet my expectations, but I also learned magnitudes more about myself and the direct impact that I can contribute outside of technical skills. Furthermore, I was able to expand my understanding of how social justice can be integrated into professional and educational settings. This internship has molded my commitment to promoting equity and inclusion by reinforcing my confidence to be unafraid of challenging the status quo as a leader. Power is not the only method of leadership; leadership is earned through serving rather than fighting to gain power. As the content strategy intern, my responsibilities included revamping the organization’s podcast, creating supportive materials for coaches, and structuring an internship program for future interns along with future participants. But I found that the most lasting lesson that I learned was understanding the impact and power of storytelling. By combining athletes’ personal journeys with their advocacy efforts, I realized how narratives can inspire change and foster a sense of community. This insight reinforces my belief of why stories are invaluable tools for education and empowerment. I also believe that keeping stories alive is also important for advancing towards the future. Stories don’t only tell facts; they also tell emotions and move people to action. Moving forward, I aim to develop my abilities in project management and resource creation—to contribute to organizations that prioritize social impact. I have also seen the potential of effective storytelling, so I want to explore ways to integrate storytelling into my future career. Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to Athleaders 360°’s mission and my time spent with them has been a wonderful experience for both my professional and individual growth. I hope to continue to work towards building a more equitable and inclusive society by continuing to seek out opportunities that make a lasting impact.
Social Impact Fellow Reflection: Amy Nguyen (Athleaders 360°)

Social Impact Fellow, Amy Nguyen