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Scheller Professor Yu “Jeffrey” Hu, Ph.D., Recently Earned a Rare Shout Out From INFORMS

The INFORMS press release discussed the key findings of Dr. Hu’s new research study, titled “The Impact of E-book Distribution on Print Sales: Analysis of a Natural Experiment” and recently published by INFORMS flagship journal Management Science.

The INFORMS press release discussed the key findings of Dr. Hu’s new research study, titled “The Impact of E-book Distribution on Print Sales: Analysis of a Natural Experiment” and was recently published by INFORMS flagship journal Management Science. Conducted and co-authored by Hailiang Chen of the City University of Hong Kong, Georgia Tech’s Dr. Hu, and Michael Smith of Carnegie Mellon University, the study found that delaying the release of the digital version of a new book can actually decrease total sales – not just sales of the e-version.

To find out more, read the INFORMS press release:
Digital vs. print publications: New study shows playing favorites can hurt overall book sales

The full study is available at:

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