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Business Analytics Center Moderates Marketing Analytics Panel for UPS

The Business Analytics Center at Scheller College of Business, Georgia Tech, recently moderated "Marketing Analytics" Panel Discussion for UPS's Marketing Leadership Conference.
Business Analytics Center at Scheller College of Business Moderates  "Marketing Analytics" Panel Discussion for UPS

Business Analytics Center at Scheller College of Business Moderates "Marketing Analytics" Panel Discussion for UPS

The Business Analytics Center at Georgia Tech’s Scheller College of Business recently participated in a marketing analytics panel for UPS’s Marketing Leadership Conference. The global annual conference brought together the company’s full team of marketing executives for a day of learning on a variety of subjects related to marketing.

Panelist guests included Dwight Specht, Vice President of Data and Analytics, North Highland Worldwide Consultant; Scott Howser, Senior Vice President of Products, Nutonian; Dr. Jeffrey Hu, co-director of the Scheller College Business Analytics Center and Professor of Information Technology Management, Georgia Institute of Technology; Dr. Manish Tripathi, Assistant Professor in the Practice of Marketing, Emory University Goizueta Business School.

The lively panel discussion was held on Tuesday, March 1, at the Georgia Aquarium and offered perspectives of the data and analytics world from client-focused consulting, tool-driven data analytics involving increased reliance on artificial intelligence, pioneering academic research, and future student talent projections based on trend indication. Panelists and engaged participants addressed current movements in the field, including the increased emphasis on the use of analytics for marketing decision-making and enablement.

“It was an honor to provide this panel for UPS, especially now as we are seeing such incredible changes in marketing analytics...I’ve seen significant progress and dramatic shifts over the past 25 years, and I've witnessed the movement from a focus on algorithms to one of tools. I’m delighted to observe the shift in importance and reliance as data science and analytics has gone from a back office, misunderstood function, to one of incredible strategic value, with a seat at the table in decision-making and leadership,” said Dr. Beverly Wright, Managing Director for the Business Analytics Center.

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