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Innovations in Healthcare Analytics: What We Learned From the Experts

Innovations in Healthcare Analytics: What We Learned From the Experts
Business Analytics Think Tank Roundtable - Healthcare Analytics

Business Analytics Think Tank Roundtable - Healthcare Analytics

The vision of the Business Analytics Center is: to become a nationally recognized Center in business analytics, sought-after partner for business analytics opportunities and challenges, renowned for our emphasis on experiential learning and innovative research. One of the ways we present ourselves to analytics leaders from industry is through our Business Analytics Think Tank Roundtable events. These dinner meetings focus on a specific, relevant, and timely subject of particular interest based on industry movement. Our first BATTR, called: Instilling Analytically Focused Leadership, was led by Bill Franks, Chief Analytics Officer from Teradata. 

Our more recent roundtable came about after hearing healthcare providers express concerns about improving the business aspect of their work. More importantly, we noticed a strong interest in finding ways to more effectively harness data to help healthcare providers improve their business, operate efficiently, and potentially increase quality of care.

Fortunately, the timing was right on target with Georgia Tech's commitment to health analytics. Thanks to Sherry Farrugia, Dr. Mark Braunstein, and others, we were able to bring Dr. Jon Duke to Georgia Tech as our Director of Health Analytics. Dr. Beverly Wright met with Jon immediately and asked him to moderate the panel for our dinner event. We picked up sponsorship for the event from VCG Consultants and Mazursky Constantine LLC which enabled this great event.

Keep checking in to hear more about our upcoming and past events including BATTRs, Speaker Series and more. You can also follow us on Twitter @GT_BusAnalytics or Instagram @gtbusinessanalyticscenter for other updates.

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