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Expanding Horizons: Michael Goodson of College of Computing Pursues an Evening MBA

Michael Goodson is a new student in the Evening MBA program. When he’s not attending classes, he works in the College of Computing as a procurement coordinator. With the help of Tech’s tuition assistance program (TAP) offered to staff and faculty, he’s able to work full-time while obtaining his MBA .
Michael Goodson

Michael Goodson

Although he's just starting classes at Georgia Tech this semester, Michael Goodson is ahead of the game. He already has a favorite spot to chill and has a ton of experience navigating campus on a scooter.

To be fair, Goodson has an 18-month head start on other new students trying to build mental maps of Tech's 400+-acre campus. Goodson is a procurement coordinator at the College of Computing, and this month, he starts classes in Georgia Tech Scheller's Evening MBA program.

Goodson, originally from Fayetteville, North Carolina, joined the College's purchasing team in August 2023. As procurement coordinator, he works closely with faculty and staff to purchase the technical equipment powering research initiatives across the College.

“Michael ensures purchases flow to Facilities for inventory documentation and TSO (Technology Services Organization) for technical oversight,” said Oliver Mahone, finance manager II and Goodson’s supervisor. “He is diligent, knowledgeable, and customer-service oriented. I think his attention to detail and follow-up are important as well.”

Being the sole point of contact for technical equipment in a bustling research environment can be demanding. However, Goodson, who earned his bachelor's degree in logistics, materials, and supply-chain management from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in 2018, is up for the task.

"It can be very busy, but I thrive on challenging myself," Goodson said. "And I really enjoy engaging with faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds."

Pushing himself is part of what motivated Goodson to pursue an advanced degree. He says the people around him also encouraged him to choose Georgia Tech Scheller's Evening MBA program.

Read More: College of Computing Newsroom


Learn More: Evening MBA


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