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The Intersection Podcast: Host Leo Haigh Reflects on His Scheller MBA Experience

Before Intersection Podcast host Leo Haigh graduated this spring, he bid farewell to Scheller and reflected on his journey as a student in the Full-time MBA program with fellow MBA Thomas Landzert.
Podcast host Leo Haigh with Thomas Landzert.

Intersection Podcast host Leo Haigh with Thomas Landzert reflect on their MBA experience.

 All good things must come to an end. In this episode of The Intersection Podcast, host and recently graduated MBA student Leo Haigh reflects on his experience as a student in the Full-time MBA program with fellow MBA student Thomas Landzert
Originally from the United Kingdom, Leo started his MBA journey at Scheller in Fall 2021 and has been a pillar in the Scheller community. After graduation, he will be working at American Airlines in commercial strategy.  
Tune in as he discusses his journey to an MBA at Scheller, experience being involved in Scheller clubs and committees, his advice for students applying to the program, and the future of technology in business.  
You can also listen to The Intersection Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.  

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