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The Intersection Podcast: The First Semester of a Scheller MBA, Debriefed

First-year MBA student, Leo Haugh, speaks with his classmates, Paroma Chakravarty and Thomas Landzart, about their first core semester in the Scheller full-time MBA program.
First-year MBA student Leo Haugh speaks with his fellow classmates Paroma Chakravarty and Thomas Landzart.

First-year MBA student Leo Haugh speaks with his fellow classmates Paroma Chakravarty and Thomas Landzart.

In this episode of the Intersection Podcast, host and first-year MBA student Leo Haigh talks with two fellow first-year students, Paroma Chakravarty and Thomas Landzert, as they wrap up their first semester in the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business full-time MBA program.

Paroma and Thomas share what it was like to move to Atlanta and become a student again and the details of how they navigated the first semester of their MBA. They share key tips on everything from teamwork, classes, and how the influence of generous faculty and dedicated career advisors can make all the difference as they gear up for internship recruiting.

Listen now as they reflect on the highlights of the core semester of their two-year full-time MBA program.

Keep listening for the latest on innovation and technology in today's business world with Scheller's very own The Intersection Podcast.  

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