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Mary Eve Speach Receives Prestigious SHRM Foundation Dissertation Grant

Mary Eve Speach, Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business Ph.D. candidate, has been selected as a 2022 SHRM Foundation Dissertation Grant recipient.
Mary Eve Speach, Ph.D. Candidate

Mary Eve Speach, Ph.D. Candidate

Mary Eve Speach, Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business Ph.D. candidate, has been selected as a 2022 SHRM Foundation Dissertation Grant recipient. As one of only four doctoral students to receive the grant, Speach will receive funding from the SHRM Foundation and an acknowledgement at the Academy of Management’s annual meeting for her dissertation work in human resource management. The annual grant competition is funded by the SHRM Foundation, in partnership with the HR Division of the Academy of Management.

“I am greatly honored to have been selected for this grant by the SHRM Foundation. In addition to my committee members, I would like to particularly thank my dissertation chair, Dr. Katie Badura, for her nomination and continued guidance throughout the past three years,” said Speach.
Speach underwent a rigorous process to be considered for the grant. The requirements included submitting a dissertation addressing an issue important to the field of human resources with the potential for application in HR practice.
Her area of research includes identifying how the treatment of employees is tied to their differences, with particular interest in studying diversity literature as it relates to employees with disabilities.

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