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Scheller Lunchtime Live: Four Things I’ve Learned as a Leader at Chick-fil-A, Featuring Scheller MBA Alumna Amy Rich

In this Lunchtime Live session, Chick-fil-A Area Director of the Southeast Region, Field Operations, and MBA class of 2012 alumna Amy Rich discusses four leadership lessons she has learned in her 16-year career at Chick-fil-A.
MBA Class of 2012 alumna, Amy Rich

MBA Class of 2012 alumna, Amy Rich

Scheller Lunchtime Live is a livestream series hosted by the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business featuring faculty, student, and alumni speakers discussing relevant topics for the tech-driven, digital age. 
Georgia Tech Scheller MBA alumna Amy Rich will discuss four leadership lessons she’s learned in her 16-year career at Chick-fil-A, including implementing a servant-leader attitude, making customers your obsessive priority, switching from doer to leader to meet the demands of tomorrow, and being strategic with time.
Connect with Amy Rich.

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