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Georgia Tech Scheller’s Evening MBA Program Enrolls Largest Ever Number of Women in an Academic Year

The Georgia Tech Scheller Evening MBA program has made history by enrolling the largest number of women ever in a single academic year.
The Scheller College Evening MBA program has enrolled the largest number of women in an academic year, nearly reaching gender parity at 49% women for this spring’s cohort.

The Scheller College Evening MBA program has enrolled the largest number of women in an academic year, nearly reaching gender parity at 49% women for this spring’s cohort.

The Evening MBA program at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business has enrolled the largest number of women ever in a single academic year for its Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 intakes. The Spring 2021 entering class enrolled the highest number of women for a spring cohort, and nearly reached gender parity at 49% women for this spring's cohort. Scheller’s Full-time MBA program continues to make strides as well - 39 percent of the program’s 2020 graduates were women. In Scheller's Executive MBA program, 38 percent of the December 2020 graduating class was made up of women.

“I’m so proud of the continued representation of women in our MBA programs,” said Maryam Alavi, dean of Scheller College. “Their expertise spans a variety of professional and educational backgrounds and is instrumental in creating a rich learning experience at Scheller. We are excited to see the number of women continue to grow in our programs.”

Scheller’s MBA programs have a variety of clubs and committees specifically for women students and alumni, including Women in Business and Women of Influence. Women in Business provides a forum for MBA students to strengthen ties among themselves and the wider business community. Through workshops and thought-provoking speaker events, Women in Business aims to promote a culture of inclusion at Scheller and beyond, equipping MBA students with the skills they need to manage and retain diverse talent. Women of Influence aligns with the goals of WIB but is geared more towards Evening MBA students.

Learn more about Georgia Tech Scheller’s MBA programs.

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