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Georgia Tech Scheller Dean Maryam Alavi Hosts Discussion on Women and Leadership with Carol Tomé, CEO of UPS

Dean Maryam Alavi hosted a discussion with Carol Tomé, CEO of UPS, on leadership and empowerment.
Carol Tomé

Carol Tomé, CEO of UPS

Dean Maryam Alavi of the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business hosted a discussion with Carol Tomé, CEO of UPS, on Thursday, March 4, 2021. Tomé, who is the first woman CEO of UPS and only one of three women leading a Fortune 50 company, talked about her philosophy on servant leadership and the importance of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations.

Tomé recounted how she rose in her career, having been the executive vice president and chief financial officer at The Home Depot for 24 years prior to her position with UPS, and spoke about the traits of a good leader and the importance of personal branding. Additional topics included how UPS is taking an active role in delivering Covid-19 vaccines around the world and how women can succeed in leadership positions traditionally held by men.

Her conversation with Dean Alavi is available in its entirety in the video below.

Women and Leadership: A Conversation with Carol Tomé, CEO of UPS

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