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Georgia Tech Scheller’s CIBER Hosts First C-Suite Series Talk Featuring Christian Fischer, President and CEO of Georgia-Pacific

Georgia Tech Scheller’s Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) kicks off its C-Suite Series with a talk featuring Christian Fischer, president and CEO of Georgia-Pacific.
Christian Fischer, president and CEO of Georgia-Pacific

Christian Fischer, president and CEO of Georgia-Pacific

As part of their new C-Suite Series, the Center for International Business and Research (CIBER) at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business and USA India Business Summit (UIBS) hosted a talk with Christian Fischer, president and CEO of Georgia-Pacific on “Pre/Post Pandemic—Accelerated Corporate Transformation & Implications to Manufacturing, Consumer Trends and Global Markets.” Christian was interviewed by Dr. John McIntyre, Executive Director of GT CIBER.

Fischer discussed five major points in his presentation, 1) who they are, 2) their vision, 3) how they’re transforming, 4) Covid’s impact on their company, and 5) how they’re moving forward. 

Georgia-Pacific is headquartered in Atlanta and is the world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of building products, consumer products, and packaging and cellulose chemicals. They are one of the world’s largest distributors with over 30,000 suppliers and they employ over 30,000 employees.

Fischer discussed the company’s vision as being more capability-bound rather than industry-bound in their efforts to add value for their customers and partnerships. This vision allows them to act swiftly to create new products based on opportunities across industries.

Georgia-Pacific embraces transformation by recognizing customers are requiring more visibility, transparency, and interaction with their company and products. With this knowledge, Fischer described how the company is constantly shifting their efficiencies, knowledge, and demand management across the supply chain. They are also actively addressing sustainability, and he discussed ways in which they’re recycling plastics, chemicals, and other by-products.

Unlike many companies, Georgia-Pacific was able to move swiftly to accommodate consumer demand for paper products and PPE equipment when Covid hit. Globally, the demand for paper products doubled and they also began manufacturing sanitizer products. Their challenge was in working with their distributors to improve the supply chain, which Fischer said they accomplished successfully.

As Georgia-Pacific looks towards the future, Fischer sees the company creating more efficiencies and simplifying their processes during disruptions. With their ability to thrive in a such a disruptive environment, the company will focus more on manufacturing hygiene solutions, acting strategically in their supply chain management, and building resiliency, certainty, and optionality.

The event is available in its entirety in the video below:


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