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Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business Celebrates its 12th Annual Honors Day Awards

Scheller College of Business’s 12th annual Honors Day was virtually commemorated this month in celebration of the accomplishments of Scheller College’s students, faculty, and staff, as well as the acknowledgment of the generous support of Scheller’s benefactors.

Scheller College of Business’s 12th annual Honors Day was virtually commemorated this month in celebration of the outstanding accomplishments of Scheller College’s students, faculty, and staff, as well as the acknowledgment of the generous support of Scheller’s benefactors.

“We are thankful for the generosity of our benefactors, without whom the Scheller College Honors Day Awards would not be possible. We miss seeing each of you in person but look forward with optimism to the time when we can all reconnect and spend time together again,” Dean Maryam Alavi shared.

This year’s awards were granted to a diverse pool of recipients who represent the best of Scheller. A full list of the 2020 recipients and their photos can be viewed on the Honors Day Awards page, or in the online Honors Day program which includes information on Chairs, Professorships, Scholarships, and Fellowship recipients.

Honors Day 2020 Award Recipient Highlights:

Brady Family Award for Faculty Research Excellence
Recognizing research excellence, including quality, quantity, impact, magnitude of contribution, recognition through the peer review process, and quality journal placement.

• Sudheer Chava, Alton M. Costley Professor of Finance
• Alex Hsu, Assistant Professor, Finance
• Basak Kalkanci, Associate Professor, Orations Management

Brady Family Awards for Faculty Teaching Excellence
Recognizing tenure track faculty who inspire and encourage students, engender curiosity and love of learning, and strive to increase the knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the subject matter.

• Manpreet Hora, Associate Professor, Operations Management
• Ravi Subramanian, Associate Professor, Operations Management

Linda and Lloyd A. Byars Award for Faculty Excellence
Recognizing non-tenure track faculty who inspire and encourage students, engender curiosity and love of learning, and strive to increase the knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the subject matter.

• Jacqueline Garner, Lecturer, Finance
• Bob Myers, Lecturer, Operations Management

John R. Battle Award for Student Excellence
Recognizing a graduating senior who demonstrates the highest scholastic achievement and leadership on campus and in the community.

• Abbey Yates, BSBA 2020

Dow Chemical-P.C. McCutcheon Award for Outstanding Student Achievement
Recognizing the student who holds a high cumulative scholastic average in the third-year class, and who demonstrates leadership and service at Georgia Tech and in the greater community.

• Christopher Sewell, BSBA 2021

Jennifer R. and Charles B. Rewis Award for Student Excellence in Accounting
Recognizing in-state undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance in accounting, with a preference for students pursuing careers in accounting.

• Benjamin Goldenthal, BSBA 2020
• Peyton Woods, BSBA 2020

Dean’s Award for MBA Student Excellence
Recognizing Evening and Full-time MBA students who demonstrate exceptional integrity, academic merit, and leadership

• Matt Beecher, MBA 2019, Evening MBA
• Henry McGill, MBA 2020, Full-time MBA

Ashford Watson Stalnaker Memorial Award for Ph.D. Student Excellence
Recognizing PhD students who contribute exemplary scholarship and innovation to their respective academic disciplines and Scheller College through outstanding research and teaching.

• Mahdi Mahmoudzadeh, PhD Candidate, Operations Management
• Katsiaryna (Katja) Siamionava, PhD Candidate, Information Technology Management

Verlander Family Award for Staff Excellence
Recognizing staff members who demonstrate outstanding job performance, going beyond what might be expected , and demonstrating high levels of execution in their primary job duties, auxiliary roles, and organizational citizenship.

• Mark Lambros, Facilities Manager

Stephen P. Zelnak, Jr. Award for Staff Excellence

• Schantel Mitchell, IT Service Delivery Manager
• Arianna Robinson, Assistant Director, Business Operations, Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business

Melvyn P. and Eleanor N. Galin Creativity Award
Recognizing faculty, staff, or students who demonstrate creative thinking or accomplishment.

• James Hoadley, Associate Director, Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER)

The Ernest Scheller, Jr. Award
Recognizing a faculty or staff member who aspires to service excellence and who acts as an outstanding role model. This award acknowledges and celebrates service excellence among faculty and staff.

• Narayan Jayaraman, Thomas R. Williams-Wells Fargo Professor of Finance

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