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Four Scheller College of Business Faculty Receive Award for Excellence in Teaching

Four Scheller College of Business Faculty Receive 2020 Georgia Institute of Technology Award for Excellence in Teaching.

The 2020 Georgia Institute of Technology awards for excellence in teaching, known as the Class of 1940 Course Survey Teaching Effectiveness Awards, were chosen by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and bestowed to 40 faculty across the Institute including four Scheller College of Business instructors.

The recipients were recognized for their distinguished achievements in teaching from spring to fall 2019. Scheller faculty awardees included the following individuals.

“I am thrilled to receive this recognition,” said professor Laurina Zhang. “It’s a privilege to be in a position to disseminate knowledge to students and shape their views on the world. I have been fortunate to have had smart, motivated, and intellectually curious students in my class, which makes my job enjoyable and fulfilling.”

According to CTL, the award recognizes “full-time instructors with exceptional scores and response rates on the Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS) which is completed by students at the end of each semester.”

Students chose faculty based on the sum of three criteria in the survey; instructor’s respect and concern for students, instructor’s level of enthusiasm about teaching the course, and the instructor’s ability to stimulate my interest in the subject matter.

“One of the learning objectives in both of my courses in healthcare management is to expose my students to rich and rewarding careers in healthcare that they likely do not know about. It warms my heart when I read comments in CIOS that students are now pursuing healthcare using their knowledge in IT, operations and supply chain, or finance in a healthcare organization because they have been inspired by our guest speakers or the principal players in cases that we have analyzed,” said professor of the practice, Bill Todd. 

These four instructors embody the dedication and care it takes to create successful students and graduates at Scheller and we congratulate them on this prestigious award.

See the full list of recipients.

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