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Eight Scheller Community Members Honored in 2020 Georgia Tech Alumni Association 40 Under 40

Eight members of the Scheller College of Business community made the list of 40 distinguished honorees in the Georgia Tech Alumni Association’s inaugural "40 under 40" list.
Alumni Association 40 Under 40 logo

Alumni Association 40 Under 40 logo

Eight members of the Scheller College of Business community are among the 40 distinguished honorees in the Georgia Tech Alumni Association’s inaugural 40 under 40 list. Honorees include three graduates from Scheller, two alumni of TI:GER (Technology Innovation: Generating Economic Results), and three alumni of the Institute for Leadership and Social Impact (ILSI) Ideas to Serve Competition.

“I am amazed and humbled by the accomplishments of these innovators and trendsetters. They epitomize the focus that our Georgia Tech alumni have to make the world a better place,” shares Dene Sheheane, president of the Georgia Tech Alumni Association.

Scheller is honored to see eight of its community members recognized for their innovation, outstanding contributions, and passion for solving some of the greatest issues our world faces today.

Scheller Alumni

Robert “Bobby” Henebry, ME 03, MBA 06, Partner, DM Capital Management, LLC
Arush Lal, BA 17, International Consultant, PAHO/World Health Organization
Jordan Rackie, Mgt 08, CEO, Keyfactor

Technology Innovation: Generating Economic Results (TI:GER) Alumni

Chris Lee, Founder, Woodbridge Foundation & Chairman & CEO, Huxley Medical, Inc.
David Sotto, Senior Strategy Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Institute for Leadership and Social Impact (ILSI) Alumni

Maithili Appalwar, IE 18, CEO, Avana
Jasmine Burton, ID 14, CEO, Executive Director & Founder, Wish for WASH
Emily Woods, ME 10, COO & Co-founder, Sanivation

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