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Scheller College’s Shane Phillipps (BSBA 2019) and Meredith Wolpert (BSBA 2019) Selected Poets & Quants Undergrads “Best and Brightest Class of 2019”

Poets & Quants Undergrads "Best and Brightest Class of 2019" features two of Scheller’s own stellar undergraduate students – Shane Phillipps and Meredith Wolpert. The article names them as two of the 100 fearless champions and gifted catalysts that comprise the Best and Brightest Class of 2019.
Meredith Wolpert and Shane Phillipps

Meredith Wolpert and Shane Phillipps

Poets & Quants Undergrads "Best and Brightest Class of 2019" features two of Scheller’s own stellar undergraduate students – Shane Phillipps and Meredith Wolpert. The article names them as two of the 100 fearless champions and gifted catalysts that comprise the Best and Brightest Class of 2019.

The publication notes, “Business is about connections and relationships. It is about growth and opportunity. Business is a daily challenge and a daily choice to work harder, be smarter, and improve who you and your company were the day before.”  The Class of 2019 has made this same commitment to working and improving. As they prepare to launch their careers, these business majors can look back in awe at how far they’ve come and who they’ve become. Mature beyond their years, these students are difference makers who champion causes and elevate everyone around them. They are fearless forces of nature who refuse to play it safe, always challenging themselves to learn more, do more, and be more. Living the ‘work hard, play hard’ mantra, these tireless go-getters aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and tackle the issues that most shy away from pursuing.

In short, they are role models, the ‘Best & Brightest’ who embody the spirit of their school, demonstrate the possibilities, and set the standard for classes to follow. Since 2016, Poet & Quants has honored 100 of these students who majored in business-related fields.

The article adds, “Of course, you won’t find the Best & Brightest lounging around campus much. As a whole, they are a well-spring of endless energy and inspiration, driven to explore, create, and make an impact. Heading up Georgia Tech’s student investment fund, Shane Phillipps outperformed the S&P 500 – a feat that eludes many hedge funds.” 

Read more about Shane here.  Read more about Meredith here.

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