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Countdown to Commencement: Pramukh Nagabhushan, Evening MBA

As part of Scheller’s Countdown to Commencement series, we interviewed a few soon-to-be graduates from our undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. programs to learn about their backgrounds, why they chose Scheller College, and what they plan to do after Spring 2019 Commencement.
Pramukh Nagabhushan, Evening MBA

Pramukh Nagabhushan, Evening MBA

As part of Scheller’s Countdown to Commencement series, we interviewed a few soon-to-be graduates from our undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. programs to learn about their backgrounds, why they chose Scheller College, and what they plan to do after Spring 2019 Commencement.

Meet Pramukh Nagabhushan:

Pramukh, a St. Louis (MO) native, is finishing his evening MBA with concentrations in Finance and International Business. He describes himself as “somewhat shy, generally easy-going, and a bit of a perfectionist who has visited more countries than U.S. states.”

Where will you be working after graduation?

I will be working at Delta Air Lines as Program Manager—Revenue Management Systems & Development. My responsibilities will include managing enterprise-level data sources, developing new analytical resources for commercial organization, and working with other teams to improve their reporting and analytical capabilities.

Why did you choose Scheller College of Business?

I liked the combination of traditional business education with a focus on analysis and technology, even in classes that were not on the analytics track. My background previously was in Aviation, but I knew I needed to broaden my educational foundation to accelerate my career trajectory. Scheller managed to strike the right balance of traditional business education with a unique analytical/technical perspective.

Who was your favorite professor (and why)?

Dr. Jayaraman was my favorite professor. I loved his Corporate Restructuring course, and his outlook on life in terms of maintaining balance between work, social, and personal life. He would always take a few minutes in class to discuss things that were important in life to bring perspective to his lectures. 

What was your favorite course (and what was the biggest insight you gained about business from it?)

In the International Practicum I learned so much – from how to dissect an unfamiliar industry to how to deliver a project to a foreign company with a different business culture. I went to Brazil as part of the International Practicum and what resonated most with me is the difference in how they approach work versus how we approach work in the U.S. I appreciated their style of business which was more relationship-focused and informal. I think this engenders a certain level of mutual understanding that may not be as prevalent in other business cultures that are more formal and transactional.

In addition to learning about business culture, I developed an appreciation for the social culture of the country. Being able to spend a week in Brazil fostered additional curiosity that I will continue exploring in the future and will almost certainly lead to more trips to Brazil. On a larger scale, this trip led me to seek out other destinations to visit abroad and has re-invigorated my desire to visit as many countries as possible with friends and family in my lifetime. 

As a business student in the heart of Tech Square, how do you think Scheller College embodies the intersection of business and technology?

When I think about “the intersection of business and technology”, I imagine combining a traditional commercial education with an analytical slant. Companies today emphasize data-driven decision making to move forward and I think Scheller embodies this in all areas of study with their use of the case method in class and hands-on learning (practicums).

What is your best piece of advice to an applicant hoping to get into Scheller College?

I would recommend attending as many events as possible so you can engage with a cross-section of students. Class visits are frequently offered and are a great way to get a taste of the learning environment. I would also suggest putting some thought into whyhe or she wants a Scheller MBA, and how to leverage it going forward – and being able to easily and readily communicate this message.

What is the biggest myth about Scheller College? (And how was it the same or different from what you experienced?)

This may not qualify as a myth, but the perception that Scheller was too “Tech/Engineering” focused was unfounded in my opinion. I think the curriculum did a good job of expanding my horizons beyond my current areas of expertise and helped me develop the areas that I felt I was previously lacking.

Who most influenced your decision to pursue business in college? (A parent? A teacher? A role model/mentor?)

The leaders that I have enjoyed working with in my company and admire all had some sort of advanced business or finance degree. Talking to all the leaders, I had previously worked with and understanding their viewpoints on doing an MBA solidified my decision to move forward. 

What activities were you involved with on or off campus, and did your business education impact those activities in any way?

Because of a project I did in Service Operations, I became involved with Meals on Wheels Atlanta as a member of their Young Professionals Board. 

Did you participate in any hands-on/experiential learning opportunities? If yes, which projects/companies did you work with and how did you help them?

I participated in three experiential learning opportunities – international practicum, service operations, and digital marketing. In the International Practicum for our client Accenture Brazil, our team did an analysis on disruption in the U.S. media market, which could help predict what potential disruption would look like in the Brazilian media market.

In Service Operations, our group investigated the impact of Meals on Wheels Atlanta volunteers and customers when making changes to the delivery schedules by conducting a focus group with volunteers and distributing a survey to employees to identify potential pain points.

Finally, in Digital Marketing, we created a roadmap for the Better Business Bureau to develop a cohesive digital media strategy across web, social media, and mobile platforms. All of these opportunities provided me with increased learnings and takeaways that I can put to use in my future.  

“If I hadn’t gone to business school, I would be…

…caught up on Game of Thrones and probably regretting not going to school.

What are the top two items on your bucket list?

  • Climb a mountain
  • Go to Antarctica

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