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Professor Atalay Atasu Rethinks Sustainability in Harvard Business Review

The passage of the EU’s Circular Economy Package in April placed many European companies in the face of mandates to reuse products they create for as long as possible.
Atalay Atasu, Dunn Family Professor and Professor of Operations Management

Atalay Atasu, Dunn Family Professor and Professor of Operations Management

The passage of the EU's Circular Economy Package in April placed many European companies in the face of mandates to reuse products they create for as long as possible.

Though many countries and companies – both within and outside of the EU – believe enabling circular economies (CEs) could lead to trillions of dollars in savings and pave a huge step in protecting the environment, many companies face barriers when it comes to implementing a proper CE strategy.

Atalay Atasu, Dunn Family Professor and Professor of Operations Management at Scheller College of Business, collaborated with a team of fellow academics and practitioners to explore product recovery economics and life cycle asset management with their findings published July 3 in Harvard Business Review. Their results highlight two success stories in JLG Industries and Philips Healthcare and reveal how companies can take specific actions to overcome barriers that prevent them from reaping the benefits of CE sustainability.

Read more about their findings on the Harvard Business Review site.


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